Inviting Wildness | Kids Out and About Hudson Valley

Inviting Wildness

Community-based workshops, journals, and events. Inviting our creative nature to re-establish flourishing relationships with ourselves, and with the rest of life on Earth.

Inviting Wildness is about inviting our creative nature to (re)-establish flourishing relationships within ourselves, and with the rest of life on Earth. In doing so, our mission is to support all that is wild or in need of rewilding-- from the largest whales to the busiest bees, from diverse ecology, to your unique nature.


Founder and facilitator Sara Jecko (Doctorate of Arts, Ecological Psychology) has been teaching for nearly 25 years, and performing on stage since the age of eight. She lights up when she gets to witness others finding their spark, and is incredibly gratetul to be in such a position to support this happening. 

Her holistic teaching style invites us to engage with our innate creative expressions, and shares a common theme of relationality, rewilding, and remembering how we are ecological kin: sharing, co-creating, and belonging to this home on Earth.

Please be in touch with any questions or scheduling inquiries.


Featured Workshop: WIlder - This 5-part workshop series is full of whale and dolphin science, artistic expression, and everyday activism in support of cetacean sanctuaries. A portion of proceeds will go to the